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Monday, June 15, 2009

Marriage Between Prophet (PBUH) and AISHA (R.A)

----- Original Message -----

Dear Friends

Read the following article and think how the Asanga/ ASU(chuiya) and other racist who try to humiliate the great religion and Beloved Prophet (PBUH). How much they bark like a dog they can never stop the progress of Islam or take Allah, Quran or Prophet (PBUH) out of the hearts of 1.6 billion Muslims. As Allah has promised in the Quran Chapter 61: Verse 08 "Their intention is to extinguish Allah's Light (by blowing) with their mouths: But Allah will complete (the revelation of) His Light, even though the Unbelievers may detest (it)." It is a truth that Islam grows while it is humiliated by its enemies. Do not Forget that Islam is the fastest growing religion and the second largest religion in the world Among every four humans in the world, one of them is Muslim. Muslims have increased by over 235 percent in the last fifty years up to nearly 1.6 billion. By comparison, Christians have increased by only 47 percent, Hinduism, 117 percent, and Buddhism by 63 percent. Islam is the second largest religious group in France, Great Britain and USA. 

I kindly request you, read the below article with open mind , with the intention of knowing the truth.



Why Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Did Married Young Aisha Siddiqa (r.a.)?

Through the centuries, orientalists have advance numerous accusations and far-fetched theories to discredit Islam and its last Prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon him). Praise be to Allah alone, all such accusations have been successfully refuted by the Muslims Ummah. Currently, one of the 'reinvented' accusations against the noble character of the Prophet is about his marriage to young Aisha Siddiqa (r.a.).

Let's probe some of the orientalists' charges in detail in the light of modern research, historic evidence and the Islamic sources of the Qur'an and the Sunnah to separate truth from falsehood, and display to the world that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is indeed an exemplary for all of mankind.

Two main theories are often advance by orientalists to attack the pure character of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) on his marriage to Aisha (r.a.) at her young age.

A. He was a Paedophile.

B. He was involved in child abuse.

Let's analyse each theory to dig out the truth, through the Guidance of Allah (SWT).


A. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) married Aisha (r.a.) because he was a paedophile?

Definition of a Paedophile:

"Pedophile: also spelled PAEDOPHILIA, psychosexual disorder in which an adult's arousal and sexual gratification occur primarily through sexual contact with prepubescent children. The typical paedophile is unable to find satisfaction in an adult sexual relationship and may have low self-esteem, seeing sexual activity with a child as less threatening than that with an adult." Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1998.

" n [NL] (1906): sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object -- or adj." Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary.

The diagnostic criteria for paedophilia according to American Psychiatric Association:

Over a period of at least 6 months, recurrent intense sexual urges and sexual arousing fantasies involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children.

The person has acted on these urges, or is markedly distressed by them.

The person is at least 16 years old and at least 5 years older than the child or children in A.


DSM-III-R Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, rev ed. 3, (American Psychiatric Association).

"In addition to their paedophilia, a significant number of paedophiles are concomitantly or have previously been involved in exhibitionism, voyeurism, or rape". (Voyeurism is the recurrent preoccupation with fantasised or acts that involve seeking out or observing people who are naked, or are engaged in grooming or in sexual activity).

Harold I. Kaplan et al., Synopsis of Psychiatry, 5th ed. (Williams and Wilkens, 1988), p. 360.

Does the prophet fit the above criteria of a paedophile?

With the above criteria of a paedophile in mind, lets analyse the lifestyle of the prophet and his marriages.

His marriages:

Name of Bride

Bride's age at marriage


Khadija bint khawilad


Twice widowed before

Sauda Bint Zama



Aisha bint Abu Bakr


Started living with the prophet at the age of 9.

Hafsa Bint Umar bin Khattab



Zainab bint Khuzaima



Umm-I-Salma bint Abu Umayia



Zainab Bint Jahash



Juwaeria Bint Harith



Umm-I-Habiba bint Abu Sufyan



Marya Qibtiya bint Shamun


Virgin, Egyptian

Safia bint Hayi bin Akhtab



Raihana bint umru bin hanafa



Maimuna bint harith



Source: Syed Abu Zafar Zain, The Prophet of Islam, the Ideal Husband (Lahore: Kazi Publications), pp. 10-12.


Statistics from the above table:

Percentage of his wives who were 17 years and older = 91 %

Percentage of his wives who were widows = 75%

Comments: The statistics show that the prophet's marriage to Aisha at her young age was an exception and not a norm of his other marriages. Furthermore "a paedophile's main mode of sexual satisfaction is with prepubescent girls", which is contradictory to the 91% of prophet's marriage to women 17 years and over. An unbiased examination of Prophet's life and his marriages to his wives blatantly rejects the notion of his lifestyle fitting that of a paedophile. All his brides were aged widows (except Aisha and Marya).

Moreover, according to the criteria in the references cited above in Synopsis of Psychiatry, a vast majority of paedophiles possess a history of exhibitionism, voyeurism, or rape. Again, there is no single reference from either religious or secular sources that the noble Prophet ever indulged in such sadistic behaviour (God forbid). This truth is observed and accepted by both Muslims and unbiased non-Muslims scholars.

"It is impossible for anyone who studies the life and character of the great Prophet of Arabia, who knows how he taught and how he lived, to feel anything but reverence for that mighty Prophet, one of the great messengers of the Supreme. And although in what I put to you I shall say many things which may be familiar to many, yet I myself feel whenever I re-read them, a new way of admiration, a new sense of reverence for that mighty Arabian teacher."

Annie Besant, The Life and Teachings of Muhammad (Madras, 1932), p. 4.



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