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Monday, August 03, 2009



78. Chapter: On commanding those in authority to be kind to their subjects, to give them good counsel and to be compassionate to them, and forbidding those in authority from cheating them, being harsh to them, overlooking their best interests and being unmindful of them and their needs


Allah says, "Take the believers who follow you under your wing," (W26:214; H26:215) and the Almighty says, "Allah commands to justice and doing good and giving to relatives. And He forbids indecency and doing wrong and tyranny. He warns you so that perhaps you may pay heed." (16:90)


657. 'A'idh ibn 'Amr reported that he visited 'Ubaydullah ibn Ziyad and said to him, "My boy, I heard the Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), say, 'The worst of shepherds is the harsh one.' Beware lest you be one of them.'" [Agreed upon]

658. Abu Maryam al-Azdi told Mu'awiya, "I heard the Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), say, "If Allah puts someone in charge of any of the affairs of the Muslims and he is then blind to their needs, friendship and poverty, Allah will be blind to his needs, friendship and poverty on the Day of Rising.'" Mu'awiya, therefore, put a man in charge of seeing to the needs of the people. [Abu Dawud and at-Tirmidhi]




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